Proceedings Of The Marine

SPR 2012

Proceedings magazine is a communication tool for the Coast Guard's Marine Safety & Security Council. Each quarterly magazine focuses on a specific theme of interest to the marine industry.

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The United Nations, the IMO, and the contact group KDYH SODFHG VHDIDUHUV· ZHOIDUH ÀUPO\ RQ WKHLU SLUDF\ agendas. Several maritime industry groups have added procedures for caring for seafarers and their families to their own guidelines and best manage- ment procedures, and a coalition of maritime indus- try stakeholders has established a maritime piracy humanitarian response program to assist seafarers and their families with the humanitarian aspects of piracy.2 Version 3.0 In 2011, we introduced version 3.0 of SCI's Guidelines IRU 3RVW²3LUDF\ &DUH; IRU 6HDIDUHUV 7ZR VLJQLÀFDQW improvements in this version relate to medical pri- vacy concerns and an appendix containing symp- toms commonly experienced by persons who have experienced a traumatic event. These guidelines are deliberately narrow in scope, focusing on seafarers' mental health needs. Our guidelines do not address all of the factors involved in responding to piracy nor do they contain any mandatory elements. Rather, they are intended to provide a useful resource regarding seafarers' mental healthcare considerations. Shipowners need to know the medical conditions of persons they place on their ships , at the same time, seafarers need to be encouraged to seek effective treatment without fear of losing their jobs. We there- fore recommend that the medical professionals who provide therapy and treatment be separate from the FRPSDQ\ GRFWRU ZKR FHUWLÀHV PHGLFDO ÀWQHVV The Seamen's Church Institute will continue to improve the guidelines based on recommendations from maritime stakeholders and mental healthcare communities worldwide as well as from knowledge gained in its clinical study of the effects of piracy on seafarers. We continue to ask for comments and rec- ommendations on improving the guidelines. About the author: Mr. Douglas B. Stevenson directs the Seamen's Church Institute's Center for Seafarers' Rights, an international legal aid and advocacy program for seafarers. He is a lawyer and a retired U.S. Coast Guard RIÀFHU +H LV D JUDGXDWH RI WKH 8 6 &RDVW; *XDUG $FDGHP\ DQG WKH University of Miami School of Law. Endnotes: 1. 2. For more INFORMATION Mariner Participation The study depends upon our medical researchers having access to seafarers who have been affected by piracy, including those who were attacked, held hostage, or simply sailed through waters where pirate attacks occur. The study is being conducted in conformity with the highest ethical and scientific standards of Mt. Sinai School of Medicine; the interviews are strictly confidential and voluntary. To participate, contact our lead investigator, Dr. Michael Garfinkle, at Spring 2012 Proceedings 63

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