Proceedings Of The Marine

SPR 2012

Proceedings magazine is a communication tool for the Coast Guard's Marine Safety & Security Council. Each quarterly magazine focuses on a specific theme of interest to the marine industry.

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HOERZ ZDV UHXVHG DIWHU WKH ÀYH \HDU LQÁDWLRQ WHVW Though the threads were undamaged, the corro- sion revealed microscopic stainless steel particles were likely a result of friction between the stain- OHVV VWHHO FRQQHFWRU DQG WKH LQÁDWLRQ YDOYH DVVHP- EO\ ZKHQ WKH ÀWWLQJ ZDV UHPRYHG RU UHDWWDFKHG during each servicing. 7KH KXOO RI WKH OLIH UDIW GLG QRW DSSHDU WR KDYH LQÁDWHG properly when it was deployed from the sinking ves- VHO $ UHYLHZ RI YLGHR IURP WKH &RDVW; *XDUG VHDUFK and rescue helicopter showed both hull chambers of WKH OLIH UDIW KDG EHHQ DW OHDVW SDUWLDOO\ LQÁDWHG ZKHQ it was deployed. It is likely that the condition of the recovered craft was a result of being tossed in heavy seas. ,QÁDWLRQ WHVWV VKRZHG WKDW WKH ORZHU KXOO FKDPEHU LQÁDWHG SURSHUO\ EXW WKH XSSHU KXOO FKDPEHU GLG QRW LQÁDWH DW DOO ZKHQ WKH LQÁDWLRQ WHVW FRPPHQFHG DQG it was discovered that the check valve, which permit- WHG SUHVVXUL]HG JDV WR HQWHU WKH FUDIW ZDV À[HG LQ D FORVHG SRVLWLRQ 7KH OLIH UDIW FRXOG KDYH RQO\ LQÁDWHG if the compressed air cylinder had been attached to WKH LQÁDWLRQ KRVH ZKHQ LW ZDV GHSOR\HG ,W LV OLNHO\ WKDW WKH F\OLQGHU GLVFRQQHFWHG IURP WKH LQÁDWLRQ KRVH because of improper installation during the last ser- vicing, manual disconnection, or by the force of the sea. The 15-person life raft was deployed and prop- HUO\ LQÁDWHG 6RRQ DIWHU GHSOR\PHQW KRZHYHU WKH canopy began to detach from the hull despite being JOXHG WR WKH XSSHU LQÁDWLRQ WXEH 7KH FUHZ PHPEHUV attempted to tie the canopy to the hull, but experi- HQFHG JUHDW GLIÀFXOW\ GXH WR GHFUHDVHG GH[WHULW\ because of the restrictive nature of the gloves on their immersion suits. A short time later, the canopy per- manently detached when the raft overturned. Testimony indicated that the raft did not have bal- last bags installed, which would have minimized the raft's potential for capsize. It's possible that the crew did not notice the ballast bags because of their size and color, or because they were missing. During the hours preceding their rescue, the survivors were WKURZQ LQWR WKH ZDWHU QXPHURXV WLPHV DQG WKH ÁRRU of the raft began to separate, allowing water to enter. Despite exposure to heavy winds, heavy seas and PXOWLSOH FDSVL]HV WKH KXOO UHPDLQHG IXOO\ LQÁDWHG Immersion Suits At least 12 approved immersion suits were aboard the vessel. Most were stored in a wooden box located 76 Proceedings Spring 2012 directly aft of the pilothouse, but the captain and deck boss stored theirs in their berthing areas. All immer- sion suits had been inspected in December 2007 by the 6HFWRU 6HDWWOH FRPPHUFLDO ÀVKLQJ YHVVHO H[DPLQHU 2I WKH ÀYH VXLWV UHFRYHUHG IURP WKH GHFHDVHG FUHZPHP- EHUV IRXU ZHUH EHWZHHQ DQG \HDUV ROG 7KH ÀIWK was only four years old. All were in good condition. 6HYHUDO RI WKH VXLWV ZHUH RXWÀWWHG ZLWK ÀYH ÀQJHU gloves attached to the sleeves with glue; others had WKUHH ÀQJHU PLWWV WKDW ZHUH EXLOW LQWR WKH VXLW 7KH gloves increased the dexterity of the wearer, but became detached from the suit easily due to degrada- tion of the glue from either extended exposure to the cold or from age. All materials on the suits are subject to deterioration over time, and Neoprene can degrade from exposure to sunlight, chemicals, and improper storage. Though there are no current age limits or expiration dates for immersion suits, Navigation and Vessel ,QYHVWLJDWLRQ &LUFXODU; 19,& SURYLGHV JXLG- ance for shipboard inspection and testing of the suits. For example, it requires that each suit should be sub- jected to an air pressure test at intervals not exceed- ing three years, or more frequently for suits over 10 years old. Those found to be unsatisfactory should be removed from service. 7KUHH RI WKH VXUYLYRUV WHVWLÀHG WKDW WKHLU VXLWV ZRUNHG well, only permitting a small amount of water to enter despite the continued exposure. One survivor stated WKDW ZDWHU KDG OHDNHG LQWR KLV VXLW DQG ÀOOHG WKH OHJV and arms. It is feasible that the suit had small holes, or that it was the wrong size. It was noted that one deceased crewmember was wearing a suit that was WRR ODUJH ZKLFK OLNHO\ GHFUHDVHG LWV HIÀFLHQF\ LQ SUR- tecting him from the cold water. ,PPHUVLRQ VXLWV ZHUH QRW VSHFLÀFDOO\ DVVLJQHG WR crewmembers. Testimony indicated that immersion suit drills consisted of only one suit used to train the entire crew, which may have prevented them from OHDUQLQJ ZKLFK VL]H VXLW ZRXOG EHVW ÀW WKHP LQ FDVH RI DQ HPHUJHQF\ ,W LV HVVHQWLDO WKDW ÀVKLQJ FUHZV NQRZ the correct size for their bodies and understand that GLIIHUHQW PDQXIDFWXUHUV KDYH GLIIHUHQW VL]H VSHFLÀFD- tions. Vessel Communications 7KH ÀVKLQJ YHVVHO KDG WKUHH 9+) UDGLRV WZR 66% radios, and a vessel monitoring system used for ship-to-shore and ship-to-ship communications. At the time of the casualty, the vessel was more than

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