Proceedings Of The Marine

FAL 2012

Proceedings magazine is a communication tool for the Coast Guard's Marine Safety & Security Council. Each quarterly magazine focuses on a specific theme of interest to the marine industry.

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Ship Simulation A versatile marine safety tool. E\ 05 .(,7+ F$:&(77 0DULQH &DVXDOW;\ ,QYHVWLJDWRU 86&* ,QYHVWLJDWLRQV 1DWLRQDO &HQWHU; RI ([SHUWLVH A mariner in training navigates a large tanker into the port of Valdez, Alaska. Waterway, landscape, and facil- ities pass by the bow of the ship. The pilot in training issues helm and rudder commands as members of the student bridge team carry out her orders. Everything is going according to plan. As the giant ship approaches the last few hundred meters to the dock, orders are given and carried out smoothly in the darkened bridge under threatening skies, as snow flurries build into heavier snow. The pilot orders slow astern then half astern, while looking at the ship's rpm indicators on the overhead of the bridge. Startled to see no response from the ship's massive engine and no reduction in speed, the pilot turns to the vessel's captain. The instructor calls out from the simula- tor control room: "Stop the exercise." The overhead lights come on in full brightness. This exercise is finished for now. Experienced instructors and members of the bridge team analyze their actions, and a technical support team resets the complex simulator for the next trainee. 26 Proceedings Fall 2012 Today's Simulators 0RGHUQ VWDWH RI WKH DUW VKLS VLPXODWRUV SURYLGH DQ H[WUHPHO\ UHDOLVWLF H[SHULHQFH IRU PDULQHUV XQGHU- JRLQJ WUDLQLQJ DQG FHUWLÀFDWLRQ 7KHVH V\VWHPV FDQ UDQJH IURP GHVNWRS VL]HG VLPXODWRUV WR PXOWL PLOOLRQ GROODU V\VWHPV WKDW LQFRUSRUDWH D YHVVHO·V KHDYH SLWFK VZD\ UROO DQG \DZ PRWLRQV DQG RWKHU UHDOLVWLF HIIHFWV VXFK DV UDLQ VQRZ IRJ DQG RWKHU VLPXODWHG HQYLURQ- PHQWV 7KHVH VLPXODWRUV DUH XVHG LQ PDULWLPH WUDLQ- LQJ FHQWHUV WUDLQLQJ DFDGHPLHV DQG PLOLWDU\ PDULQH training centers worldwide. :KLOH LW LV YHU\ H[SHQVLYH WR PRGHO WKH PDULQH HQYL- URQPHQW WKH UHVXOWV DUH DPD]LQJ (YHU\ FRQFHLYDEOH DVSHFW RI WKH PDULWLPH ZRUOG LV SRVVLEOH WR PRGHO 7KH HIIHFWV RI VKLS GHVLJQ SURSXOVLRQ FKDUDFWHULVWLFV ZHDWKHU ERWWRP FRQWRXUV WXJERDW DVVLVWDQFH DQG PDULQH WUDIÀF DUH DOO LQWHJUDWHG ZLWK WKH YHVVHO FRQ- WUROV WR VLPXODWH D UHDO OLIH H[SHULHQFH 0RVW VLPXODWRUV DUH SURJUDPHG WR PRGHO D QXPEHU RI YHVVHOV VXFK DV WDQNHUV FDUJR VKLSV FDU FDUULHUV WXJV SOHDVXUH FUDIW ZLQJ LQ JURXQG FUDIW SLORW ERDWV DQG D KRVW RI RWKHU ZDWHUFUDIW 'HVLJQHUV RI WKH VLPXODWLRQ VRIWZDUH FUHDWH FRPSOH[ SURJUDPV WKDW JR WR JUHDW OHQJWKV WR FUHDWH D FKDOOHQJLQJ DQG UHDOLVWLF YLUWXDO marine world. Occupational Functions 2XU QDWLRQ·V ZDWHUZD\V DUH EHFRPLQJ PRUH FRPSOH[ DQG FRQJHVWHG DQG VLPXODWRUV SURYLGH D ZD\ IRU WKH &RDVW; *XDUG DQG WKH PDULQH LQGXVWU\ WR SODQ DQDO\]H DQG DFKLHYH WKH JRDO RI UHGXFLQJ PDULQH FDVXDOWLHV Collaborate

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